Similar in organization and subject matter to NSCC Recruit Training, but tailored to the age and maturity level of the average NLCC Cadet. While not required for advancement in the NLCC, a Navy League Cadet must complete NLCC Orientation prior to attending an NLCC Advanced Training.

NLCC Orientation is designed to foster personal growth in the areas of character, courage, and professional competence for newly enrolled NLCC cadets.
In most cases, it is the first time away from home for these cadets. The goals of the training are to ensure the cadet feels comfortable when in a military uniform situation, to develop self-confidence in the individual’s role as a Navy League Cadet, and to instill a sense of pride in one’s accomplishment upon successful completion. Modeled after NSCC recruit training, the experiences serves as the cornerstone for the successful completion of all follow-on NLCC and NSCC training. Safety, security, and responsibility for shipmates is also enhanced through a variety of watchstanding assignments, frequent musters ensuring cadet accountability, and general first aid and safety training. Learned in orientation, these characteristics carry through to all follow-on NLCC/NSCC training.
Orientation is the cadet’s introduction to military routine and discipline, and while not a requirement for advancement, it provides a solid foundation for their success in the NLCC program. Cadets normally spend five to seven days learning basic Navy subjects, elementary seamanship, basic damage control, and physical fitness. It is the unit Commanding Officer’s responsibility to ensure that cadets are prepared medically, physically and psychologically prior to attending Orientation.
Prerequisites. Cadets must be enrolled in the NLCC program prior to 01 May for summer, and 01 November for winter. This time limit is established to ensure proper enrollment and to provide the opportunity to obtain required uniforms.
Training Details
Staff Cadets must be PO2 or above.
- Register in Magellan.
- Upload NSCTNG001 to Magellan
- Escort Officer complete the NSCTNG002 and NSCTNG 025 and upload to Magellan.
- Cadets traveling from outside Utah need to complete the travel information sheet at the end of the information letter and send email.